2014 – Nower Hill High School, Pinner, UK

2014 – Nower Hill High School, Pinner, UK


As a school, we are interested in this project as we would like to promote healthy lifestyles.

What we did / what we are doing
As mentioned in my previous post, a series of lessons on favourite foods and healthy eating habits was taught to students from many different cultural backgrounds. Students created their own PowerPoint
presentations showcasing their favourite foods and then they thought about and discussed how healthy these foods are.

This led to further learning about the importance of healthy eating habits. Students applied their prior learning from Food Technology lessons in order to create leaflets giving information and advice on healthy eating.

Students created and presented their own PowerPoint presentations on their favourite foods, allowing them to develop their speaking and listening skills. This class has many students who speak English as
an additional language and, for those students, the presentation and the opportunity to share their favourite foods from their culture really raised their confidence to speak aloud in front of others. The topic ‘Food Stories’ was a great way for students to find a common ground and relate to one another.

Students benefited from creating leaflets as it reinforced cross-curricular learning from Food Technology, as well as English skills of writing to advise and inform.

Next steps
Next year, we would like to expand this to a whole school project to raise awareness of healthy eating.

Contact name
Zara Mainwaring

Email address

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